Words Wonderful Words Presentation

Another of our speakers from our recent conference has agreed to share her presentation with us. Her presentation was just fascinating and made us see how we need to reconsider how we teach vocabulary to our students. If you are looking for someone to follow on wordpress, you can’t go wrong by giving Kate a follow.


The link to her wordpress blog can be found at:


Short Story Competition

We are once again inviting English Teachers to enter our Short Story Competition. The story can be on any theme or written in any genre. It must, however, be 3000 words or less.

To enter just email your story along with a brief bio to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Closing date for entries is Friday December 13th 2019.

Prizes will be announced at a later stage. Winning story will feature in the next edition of the INOTE magazine.

INOTE Magazine Autumn 2019

Please have a close read of our new magazine and we encourage all our members to have a say in our next edition. We’d love to hear from you.

Julian Girdham’s Keynote Presentation Conference 2019

Please find below the link to Julian’s keynote presentation form this year’s conference.The Building Blocks of the English Classroom


Junior and Senior Poetry Competitions 2019

We are once again inviting entries for our Junior and Senior Poetry competitions. The theme this year is “Communication”. Send your entries in by December 12th 2019 to iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with the subject heading of either Junior Poetry Comp or Senior Poetry Comp. Winning entries will be published in our annual magazine and win a cash prize!!